28 September 2022
The researcher at the ICIS, head of the School of International Information Security A.Martirosyan took part in the Union State Youth Forum "Cooperation in the Era of Digital Transformation".
The Youth Forum was held at the site of the Russian State University named after A.Kosygin from 28 to 30 September.
The forum was attended by young leaders and activists of youth public organizations in the field of information technology, leaders or activists of youth public organizations, representatives of cyberclubs, as well as specialists in the field of creative industries, information security, programmers, IT specialists, entrepreneurs from the regions of Russia and Belarus.
The purpose of the event is to develop the Russian-Belarusian youth dialogue and build systematic work to identify and promote the promotion of significant projects in the field of information technology in Russia and Belarus.
The forum is organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation in the direction "Russia-Belarus" and the Russian State University named after A.Kosygin.