Russian as a foreign language

Submit an application
Russian as a foreign language
About the center

The Center for the Study of Foreign Languages at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the CSIL) is a unique place where services for learning foreign languages are provided to everyone.

CTSL students have the opportunity, under the guidance of experienced teachers, to study foreign languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc. The training programs are varied and are aimed at developing all aspects of language proficiency: grammar, writing, reading, listening and speaking speech.

In addition, the Center for Foreign Languages has specialized programs: “Simultaneous interpretation. English language" and "Russian as a foreign language", which are promising areas of activity of the Center.

Also, one of the key points in the activities of the Center for Foreign Languages is conducting certification exams to determine the level of proficiency in a foreign language. The exams are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and allow you to obtain a certificate of language proficiency, which is highly valued in government agencies and commercial organizations throughout Russia.

The Center for the Study of Foreign Languages at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strives to create a supportive and motivating learning environment where everyone can realize their linguistic potential.

Duration of training

Group for beginners and A2


Number of classes per week

Mon/Wed from 17:00 to 18:20

Number of ac. hours

136 ak. h.

Form of study

In person/remotely

Duration of training

Group A1

09. 2023-12.2024

Number of classes per week

Mon/Thu from 17:00 to 18:20

Number of ac. hours

68 academic hours

Form of study

In person/remotely

About the program

The Center for the Study of Foreign Languages at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents the Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) training program, specially designed for employees of Embassies and consular offices, as well as employees of international organizations.

The Academy's teachers are highly qualified specialists with many years of experience working with foreign students, which allows them to teach the Russian language efficiently and effectively.

We use advanced methods of teaching foreign languages, as well as specially designed teaching aids, to ensure effective learning of the material at all levels of language proficiency: from elementary (A1) to professional (C1).

The program covers a wide range of skills: from grammar, reading and writing to speaking practice and oral comprehension. We also offer immersion in the culture, history and traditions of Russia.

Employees of the Embassies of more than twenty countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, as well as numerous representatives of various foreign government and commercial organizations, took the RFL course.

Successful completion of our courses allows you to receive a Certificate of appropriate level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language, which is highly valued in diplomatic missions, international organizations, government agencies and commercial companies.

A full (annual) course of study consists of two semesters, each semester – 68 academic hours (1 academic hour = 40 minutes).

Study at the Center for the Study of Foreign Languages and learn Russian as a foreign language with us! Our courses will help you communicate confidently in a professional environment and everyday life!

Russian as a foreign language
Types of training

We offer various types of training to meet the needs of each student:

Russian as a foreign language

For students who have entered into an agreement to teach Russian as a foreign language at the Center for the Study of Foreign Languages, the exam is included in the cost of training.

If you want to confirm your level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language without undergoing training, we suggest you only take an exam. The price of the service also includes a consultation lasting 1 ac. hours (40 min.).

Level determination

Proficiency in Russian as a foreign language RUB 14,100.

Russian as a foreign language
Registration for courses

To start studying at the Center for the Study of Foreign Languages ​​at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Select the course “Russian as a Foreign Language”, fill out a special form for training “Leave an application”, wait for confirmation of receipt of the application by e-mail or call from the CIYA staff OR write to us on WhatsApp, Telegram at 8 (925) 802-71-01.
  2. After selecting a group that is suitable for you and discussing the conditions of training, you must conclude an agreement and pay for training.

To conclude a training agreement, you must provide the following documents and information:

  1. Original passport of the Listener;
  2. Original passport of the Customer (in the case of a tripartite agreement in which the Customer is an individual, for example, a parent);
  3. Card with the details of the Embassy (in the case of a tripartite agreement in which the Embassy acts as the Customer and pays for the training);
  4. Diplomatic card of the person representing the Embassy in the agreement (in the case of a trilateral agreement in which the Embassy acts as the Customer and pays for the training);
  5. Listener's contact phone number;
  6. Phone number of the Embassy's contact person (in the case of a tripartite agreement in which the Embassy acts as the Customer and pays for the training);
  7. Listener's email address;
  8. Email address of the Embassy's contact person (in the case of a tripartite agreement in which the Embassy acts as the Customer and pays for the training).

Please ensure that all documents and information provided comply with the specified requirements.

Documents are processed at: Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, 53/2, building 1, room 53.

The training contract can also be drawn up remotely by sending scanned documents to the TSIYA staff.

After paying for the training, you will be enrolled in the group, and the CIYA staff will provide you with all the necessary information on the training.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at the following contacts:

Telephone: 8 (499) 246 04 70, 8 (499) 940 09 82

WhatsApp: 8 (925) 802 71 01

Telegram: 8 (925) 802 71 01


We are located at: m. Park Kultury (radial), st. Ostozhenka, 53/2, building 1, room 53

Russian as a foreign language


We are happy to welcome new students at any stage of training. If you decide to join a group after the course has started, your hours and tuition will be recalculated to account for your joining at a later stage.

After receiving confirmation of payment, a CIYA employee reserves a place for you in the group and provides detailed information about the training.

Yes, you can sign a contract remotely! To do this, you need to send scanned documents indicating a contact phone number and email address to the following contacts: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -⠀WhatsApp:📱8 (925) 802 71 01 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -⠀Е-mail:📩

Duration of training

Group for beginners and A2


Number of classes per week

Mon/Wed from 17:00 to 18:20

Number of ac. hours

136 ak. h.

Form of study

In person/remotely

Duration of training

Group A1

09. 2023-12.2024

Number of classes per week

Mon/Thu from 17:00 to 18:20

Number of ac. hours

68 academic hours

Form of study

In person/remotely