14 June 2023

Under the editorship of the Chief Researcher of the Institute of International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, PHD in History, prof. E.Pashentsev Palgrave Macmillan publishing house issued the monograph The Palgrave Handbook of the Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security with the participation of 23 researchers from 11 countries, including specialists from India, China, Russia and the USA

Under the editorship of the Chief Researcher of the Institute of International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, PHD in History, prof. E.Pashentsev Palgrave Macmillan publishing house issued the monograph The Palgrave Handbook of the Malicious Use of AI and Psychological Security with the participation of 23 researchers from 11 countries, including specialists from India, China, Russia and the USA.

The book is the first comprehensive study of threats to information and psychological security through the malicious use of artificial intelligence. The malicious use of deepfakes, emotional intelligence, sentiment analysis, chat bots, predictive analytics, manipulation of the information agenda give a clear idea of the various forms and methods of malicious influence on the human psyche, and through this on political, economic, cultural processes, the activities of state and non-state structures in various countries and regions of the world. Some chapters are devoted to the malicious use of AI in geopolitical confrontation, political campaigns, strategic information and psychological confrontation, the activities of extremist and terrorist organizations, and damage to corporate reputation. A number of authors consider the threats associated both with the quantitative and qualitative improvement of AI technologies, and, above all, with the crisis of modern civilization, the opportunities and risks of promising models of social development.

The monograph is a valuable resource for students, researchers and professionals interested in understanding the new level of threats to information and psychological security through the malicious use of artificial intelligence, as well as the forms and methods of countering these threats.