13 September 2023V.Kozyulin, Chief Researcher of the Center for Global Studies and International Relations of the ICIS of the Diplomatic Academy, gave an interview to the program of the Saudi news TV channel Asharq News
12 September 2023In anticipation of the moment when all participants of the ICIS Analytics Laboratory from Abkhazia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will gather in Moscow to spend a week in intellectual and educational communication, employees of the Institute of Current International Problems held a final reception of research papers
12 September 2023V.Kozyulin, Chief Researcher of the Center for Global Studies and International Relations of the ICIS of the Diplomatic Academy, took part in the RTVI program “Big NewsTalk”. V.Kozyulin talked with the host of the program, M.Sheptun, about the main news of the week — the visit to Russia of the leader of North Korea
06 September 2023At one time, Brzezinski warned of the need to prevent the “nightmare scenario” of the creation of an anti-Western axis consisting of Moscow, Beijing and Tehran.
05 September 2023Strangely, it is postmodern philosophy that provides the most adequate categories for geopolitical analysis in relation to the historical West and its prospects for the future
04 September 2023Extremely conflicting signals have been heard from Western capitals and NATO headquarters in Brussels regarding the prospects of inviting Ukraine into the alliance
24 August 2023The article by A.Kramarenko, Head of the ICIS of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, "The Race of Strategies between Russia and the West: A Test for Adaptability?", published in the International Affairs journal
23 August 2023Chief Researcher of the ICIS of the Diplomatic Academy A.Grishanov commented on the situation around the BRICS summit on TV program "The New Order of the World"